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Tytuł badania: The Two Decades of Privatization in Polish Higher Education: Cost-Sharing, Equity, and Access
Projekt badawczy:
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Data: 2008
Badacz: Marek Kwiek

The privatization of hihger education in the two distinct forms (new private sector and the public sector) was a spontaneous movement, led mostly by academics, encouraged by the state's "policy of non-policy". The research paper is divided into 8 sections:  the general theme of coping with financial austerity in various segments of public services;  "the policy of non-policy" as a guiding thread in expansion of both public and private sectors and its positive impact on equitable access to higher education; the two decades of growth of the private sector; financing higher education in Poland in brief; internal privatizaton as a response of the underfunded public sector; cost-sharing - the different roles of tuition fees in public and private sectors; academic survival strategies in the public sector in the times of financial distress and their implications on the Polish academic profession; and conclusions.

Deskryptory TESE: szkolnictwo wyższe, szkolnictwo prywatne, system edukacji, środki prywatne, źródło finansowania, rynek edukacyjny, opłaty za naukę, szkoła płatna, polityka edukacyjna, Polska, zarządzanie
TESE descriptors: higher education, private education, education system, private funds, source of funding, education market, tuition fees, fee-paying school, education policy, Poland, management
  • Kwiek, M. (2008). The Two Decades of Privatization in Polish Higher Education: Cost-Sharing, Equity, and Access. CPP RPS, 8. Pobrane z
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