Tytuł badania: |
Higher Education Reforms and Their Socio-Economic Contexts: Competing Narratives, Deinstitutionalization, and Reinstitutionalization in University Transformations in Poland |
Projekt badawczy: |
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Inne badania w projekcie:
Instytucja: |
Data: |
2011 |
Badacz: |
Marek Kwiek |
Abstrakt: |
The research paper analyzes higher education policy in Poland in the last two decades with a focus on an increasing role of government-produced instrumental visions. The processes of deinstitutionalization of traditional academic norms, habits and behaviours in the public sector are closely linked to the dramatic growth of private higher education. Traditional academic rules were weakening in the 1990s and there was no alternative set of academic rules, following the shock of the transition to market economy. The price of this process for public universities was the gradual institutional denigration of the research mission of elite universities. New legislation of 2008-2011 marks the beginning of a transformation from one order to another order, with new governance and funding principles at work. |
Deskryptory TESE: |
Proces Boloński, szkolnictwo publiczne, szkolnictwo prywatne, szkolnictwo wyższe, reforma szkolnictwa, uniwersytet |
TESE descriptors: |
Bologna Process, public education, private education, higher education, educational reform, universty |
Publikacje: |
- Kwiek, M. (2011). Higher Education Reforms and Their Socio-Economic Contexts: Competing Narratives, Deinstitutionalization, and Reinstitutionalization in University Transformations in Poland. CPP RPS, 25. Pobrane z http://cpp.amu.edu.pl/pdf/CPP_RPS_vol.25_Kwiek.pdf

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